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Young people in Nigeria are entering the era of blockchain technology: DecaHack focuses on developing techno-enthusiasts talents.

Młodzież w Nigerii jest zachęcana do zaangażowania się w technologię blockchain, aby zwiększyć swoją konkurencyjność globalną. DecaHack, inicjatywa ICP, oferuje bootcampy online, hackathony i konkursy przemówień z atrakcyjnymi nagrodami, propagując web3 i rozwój technologiczny kontynentu afrykańskiego. Nigeria stawia na innowacje technologiczne dla przyszłego sukcesu młodych ludzi.

23 July 2024 | 12:12

Youth in Nigeria Encouraged to Engage in Blockchain Technology

Youth in Nigeria are being encouraged to actively participate in blockchain technology to enhance their global competitiveness. During the second edition of DecaHack held at the University of Ibadan, Adedayo Adebajo, co-founder of ICP Hub Sahara, emphasized the importance of involvement in this modern field.

The DecaHack Initiative

DecaHack is a significant initiative by ICP, offering young participants online blockchain bootcamps, hackathons, and speech contests with attractive prizes. Adebajo stressed that not adopting blockchain technology could have serious consequences for the country’s future.

Internet Computer Technology

Internet Computer is a public blockchain capable of processing smart contracts. Programmers can build decentralized applications and non-fungible tokens on it. The event aims to promote discussions, presentations, and networking to advance the technological landscape of the African continent.

Advancement of Web3 Technology

Ucheena Agams presented an analysis regarding the potential of Web3 technology to create seamless connections across different blockchain platforms. The contest organizers announced that the top five startups will receive grants of up to $25,000 without equity participation. The winners will also participate in a national final, the most significant blockchain conference hackathon in Nigeria.

Preparing Youth for Success in the Global Digital Economy

The initiative aims to prepare Nigerian youth for success in the global digital economy by involving them in blockchain technology. This approach is expected to boost technological innovations, contribute to nation-building efforts, and ensure Nigeria’s competitiveness in the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Through active participation in blockchain technology, young people in Nigeria have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and increase their chances of success in the future.