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New DFI tool in Wisconsin – fighting financial fraud: What you need to know?

Nowy narzędzie antyfraudowe DFI w Wisconsin zmierza z finansowymi oszustwami poprzez działania prewencyjne przeciwko oszustwom inwestycyjnym, zwłaszcza w obszarze kryptowalut. Narzędzie umożliwia dostęp do danych dotyczących potencjalnych oszustw, opartych na skargach konsumentów. Zapewniając przejrzystość oraz informując o popularnych schematach oszustw, jak "kradzież świni" czy fałszywe platformy kryptowalutowe, ma na celu ochronę konsumentów.

31 July 2024 | 14:16

New DFI Anti-Fraud Tool in Wisconsin – Fighting Financial Scams

The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) has introduced an innovative tool to combat investment fraud, focusing on eliminating scams related to cryptocurrencies and other forms of investments. The tool, made publicly available since July 30, provides access to data on potential fraud based on consumer complaints.

The Scale of Financial Fraud Issue in Wisconsin

According to data from January 2022 to June 2024, Wisconsin residents reported losses of nearly $3.55 million due to various forms of financial scams, including cryptocurrency-related fraud. That is why the DFI decided to implement a new tracking tool to more effectively combat these types of crimes.

Purpose and Functions of the New DFI Tool

The Tracker aims to increase transparency and awareness among the community by collecting essential data on fraud, such as popular scam schemes, including “pig butchering” and fake cryptocurrency trading platforms. As emphasized by DFI Secretary Cheryll Olson-Collins, this is intended to protect consumers and investors from financial losses.

Warning Against Cryptocurrency Scams

Cheryll Olson-Collins warns that cryptocurrency transactions are often difficult to trace and irreversible, so caution is advised when sharing financial information with individuals or companies you do not trust. Avoiding suspicious transactions may be key to preventing fraud and safeguarding your savings.

DFI Investment Scam Tracker – Available Online

The new anti-fraud tool named “DFI Investment Scam Tracker” is available online and serves as a valuable source of information for individuals interested in investments. It allows users to quickly check for potential investment threats and steer clear of falling into fraudsters’ traps.

Recommendations from the Federal Investigative Bureau

The Federal Investigative Bureau emphasizes the necessity of using only registered cryptocurrency services that comply with Know Your Customer regulations and aim to combat money laundering. This is crucial in the context of preventing fraud and protecting your financial assets.