
Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut


Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin

bank for international settlements (bis)

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution whose main goal is to promote financial stability and support monetary and financial cooperation among different countries. BIS functions as a bank for central banks, assisting them in executing international transactions and managing their foreign exchange reserves.

Role of the Bank for International Settlements

BIS was established in 1930 and is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. This institution plays a crucial role in the global financial system by monitoring and analyzing trends in global banking, providing support to countries facing financial difficulties, and organizing conferences and seminars on financial matters.

One of the main functions of the Bank for International Settlements is to promote cooperation among central banks and coordinate their actions to enhance financial stability worldwide.

Foreign Exchange Reserves Management

The Bank for International Settlements plays a significant role in managing countries’ foreign exchange reserves, which is crucial for maintaining the stability of their currencies in international markets. BIS assists central banks in efficiently allocating their reserves and making investment decisions in financial markets.

Relationships with the Crypto-Assets Market

In recent years, the Bank for International Settlements has taken notice of the growing market of crypto-assets, such as bitcoins and ethereum. The institution has expressed concerns about potential risks associated with trading and investing in digital currencies, highlighting the risk of value loss and the possibility of cryptocurrencies being used for illicit activities.

BIS emphasizes the need for regulating the crypto-assets market and monitoring transactions to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.


The Bank for International Settlements plays a significant role in the global financial system by promoting stability, supporting international cooperation, and managing foreign exchange reserves. The institution monitors trends in global banking and engages in issues related to financial security on the international stage. Despite its interest in the crypto-assets market, BIS exercises caution and recommends appropriate regulation to protect investors and prevent abuses.

20 December 2024 | 15:02


Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut