
Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut


Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin


Arbitration is a process of resolving disputes between two parties with the help of a third, independent, and objective person or institution, called an arbitrator. It is an alternative way of resolving conflicts that allows avoiding expensive and time-consuming court proceedings.

How does arbitration work?

The parties in conflict decide to opt for arbitration voluntarily, usually through an agreement concluded beforehand or during the dispute. Arbitration can involve various types of disputes, including commercial, corporate, labor, or international matters.

Types of arbitration

There are different types of arbitration, such as ad hoc arbitration, where the parties themselves choose the arbitrator and establish the procedural rules, and institutional arbitration, in which the selection of the arbitrator and procedures are entrusted to a specific arbitral institution.

Benefits of arbitration

Arbitration has many benefits, including a faster and less formal process compared to court proceedings, greater privacy, the ability to choose specialists in a particular field as arbitrators, and flexibility in shaping the procedure.

Arbitration and cryptocurrencies

In the world of crypto assets, arbitration often involves resolving disputes related to transactions, exchanges, or smart contracts. In cases of conflicts between investors and trading platforms, arbitration can be an effective way of resolving disputes outside the traditional judicial system.

It is worth noting that arbitration in the context of cryptocurrencies can be complex due to the specificity of the industry and legislative differences between countries. Therefore, choosing the appropriate arbitral institution and clearly regulating arbitration issues at the contracting stage can help avoid potential problems in the future.

Therefore, arbitration plays a significant role in the development of the crypto asset market, enabling effective and prompt resolution of disputes, thus contributing to increased investor trust and the stability of this dynamic sector.

20 December 2024 | 15:02


Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut