
Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut


Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin

anti-dump/anti-dumping policy

Antidumping policy is a form of state intervention aimed at countering dumping practices in markets. Dumping is a situation in which a company sells its products in a foreign market below the cost of production or below the price in the country of origin. Such practices can harm domestic producers who are unable to compete with the low prices of imported goods.

What is antidumping policy?

Antidumping policy aims to prevent the damages that may result from dumping trade practices. It involves imposing additional duties or other restrictions on imported products to balance the competitive conditions in the market. This way, domestic companies have the opportunity to compete on fairer terms.

How does antidumping policy work in the context of crypto-assets market?

In the crypto-assets market, such as cryptocurrencies or digital tokens, antidumping policy can have significant importance. Many cryptocurrency projects in the early stages of development may try to boost their popularity by selling tokens at lower prices, which can have a negative impact on the market and fair competition.

This is particularly important because the crypto-assets market is relatively new and unregulated, which implies a higher risk of dumping practices. Therefore, the implementation of antidumping policy in this sector can help in establishing a more stable and fair environment for investors and companies operating in this market.


Antidumping policy aims to prevent unfair trade practices and protect the interests of domestic producers. In the context of the crypto-assets market, it can be a significant regulatory tool that supports fair competition and stable development of this sector. Therefore, monitoring and enforcing antidumping policy are crucial to ensuring fair operating conditions in the crypto-assets market.

20 December 2024 | 15:01


Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut