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Email Phishing with Spyware: How to Defend Yourself?

How to handle a suspicious blackmail email containing spyware posing as Pegasus malware? Learn warning signs, avoid scams, and take immediate action by reporting and blocking the sender, without engaging in demands or money transfers to safeguard against potential cyber threats. Be vigilant online to protect personal data.

27 July 2024 | 23:16

Suspicious Blackmail Email with Spyware Program: What to Do?

Lately, there has been an increasing number of cases of online fraud, including threats sent via email. One such event involves receiving a suspicious email from your own email address, informing you about the installation of spyware on your computer. How should you act when receiving such a message?

Spyware Program Pegasus

A widely known spyware program, called Pegasus, gives hackers the ability to monitor a user’s activity on various devices, including computers and smartphones. In the case of the received email, the sender claims to have access to all of the victim’s devices and is monitoring their actions, threatening to make video recordings public if a certain sum of money is not paid.

Requested Amount and Threats

The email requests a transfer of $1150 to a Litecoin (LTC) cryptocurrency wallet to prevent the release of private recordings. The sender threatens to make the recordings public within 48 hours if the demand is not met. Additionally, contacting the police or attempting to reset the devices is prohibited, with the claim that cryptocurrencies ensure complete anonymity.

How to Recognize a Scam?

It is important to be vigilant and cautious regarding received emails, especially when they involve alleged spyware programs and blackmail threats. There are several indicators that can suggest the falsity of such messages:

  • Warning about suspicions: scammers often try to deter individuals from contacting law enforcement, emphasizing the anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies.
  • Intimidating calls for quick action: threats of releasing recordings or the implication that we only have 48 hours to decide.
  • Lack of ability to verify information: absence of concrete evidence of possessing actual recordings.

What to Do in Such Situation?

Upon receiving a suspicious blackmail email with a spyware program, immediate action is recommended. You can contact your email provider to report the message as spam and block the sender. Do not respond to the demands or transfer the requested amount of money. Also, remain calm and refrain from actions that could harm your devices.

Remember that cybercrimes are a real threat in today’s online world. It is important to be aware of security risks on the internet and protect our personal data from unwanted attacks.